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Have questions about Maple Hill? Search our database or simply browse our topics below.
What are the differences between your Greek Yogurt and Cream on Top Yogurt?Our Greek Yogurt is ultra-filtered during the manufacturing process. As a result, it is thicker and more “spoonable.” We also use a different type of yogurt cultures in our Greek Yogurt. Our Cream On Top Yogurt is tastefully tart & incredibly smooth.
Your yogurts and kefir are not very sweet! Are they low in sugar?Our Plain Kefir, Plain Cream on Top & Greek yogurt have zero added sugar. Our flavored products have minimal sugar to subtly enhance the uniquely delicious flavor of our organic grass-fed milk, not mask it. Our nutritional fact panels indicate added amounts of sugar for each product so that people can make better choices. Please check out our product pages for nutritional information.
What is kefir? How is it different from yogurt?Pronounced ‘kuh-feer’, Kefir is a fermented, cultured dairy beverage, often with a yogurt-like tartness and creamy consistency. Kefir is also loaded with probiotics to support a healthy digestive system. The main difference between our yogurt and kefir are the type of cultures we add to the milk to create the finished product. We incubate the culture in our Kefir for approximately eight (8) hours. We use the following cultures in our Kefir: Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactococcus lactis subsp. Lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. Cremoris, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar. Diacetylactis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. Cremoris, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus. Like all of our other products, we make every drop of our kefir exclusively with our certified, 100% grass-fed whole milk from the Maple Hill Milkshed, our family of farms.
Why is your cream on top yogurt so earthy tasting?Maple Hill's cows are only fed their natural diet of grass. This gives our grass-fed yogurt that unique natural earthy flavor, which will vary throughout the year based on the nature of the grass the cows eat during different seasons of the year. This gives Maple Hill products a more natural flavor than what you will find with other brands who feed grain and corn.
What cultures are added to your yogurt and kefir?We use the following cultures for our Cream On Top yogurt: Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus We use the following cultures for our Greek yogurt: Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus We use the following cultures in our Kefir: Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactococcus lactis subsp. Lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. Cremoris, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar. Diacetylactis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. Cremoris, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus
How can I use kefir?While Kefir is traditionally consumed as a beverage, there are lots of other ways to enjoy it, including: Smoothie base—add your own tweaks (chia, greens, bananas) Pour over fresh fruit, granola, or warm fruit cobblers / crisps Freeze in molds for creamy popsicles Use as a 1-to-1 replacement for buttermilk in baking recipes Use as marinade base for lamb, chicken or beef Check out some of our recipes using Kefir and other Maple Hill products on the Recipes page.
Is your milk fortified with vitamins?Our Whole Milk is not fortified with any vitamins. Our 2% Reduced Fat Milk is fortified with vitamin A & D as required by US law.
Are your products antibiotic free?Yes, the milk in our products do not contain any antibiotics.
What is ultra-pasteurization?Our Whole Milk and 2% Milk are Ultra-pasteurized. Ultra-pasteurization (UP) is the process we use to ensure our milk can be safely distributed and consumed. Ultra-pasteurization goes beyond standard pasteurization required by the FDA.
Are your products organic?Yes, all of our products are certified USDA organic & 100% grass-fed.
Where can I buy Maple Hill 100% grass-fed organic dairy products?We’re pleased to say that we now have a wide national distribution. In addition to the many wonderful independent retailers who have supported Maple Hill from the beginning, we are now also found at Whole Foods Markets, Publix, Kroger, Banners, Fred Meyer/QFC, Ralphs, Sprouts, Natural Grocers / Vitamin Cottage, Market Basket, Giant Eagle, Shaw’s, ShopRite, Price Chopper, Hannaford, The Fresh Market and many more chain and independent retailers. To find the nearest store, click "Find Us".
Are your products RbGH [rBST]-free?Organic certified dairy products prohibit the use of RbGH [rBST]. Our cows are not treated with RbGH [rBST].
Are all your products free from GMOs?Yes, our products are free from GMOs. USDA certified organic products are by default free of GMOs.
Are there any allergens in your manufacturing in your facilities?Our products are manufactured in facilities that contain: milk, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat & soybeans. While every precaution is taken to insure no cross contamination these items are present in our manufacturing facilities.
Are your dairy products kosher?All of the products that we manufacturer OU Kosher. This includes: Whole Milk, 2% Reduced Fat Milk, Greek Yogurt, Kefir, Cream On Top Yogurt & Butter.
What is homogenization?Homogenization is the process of dispersing milk fat within body of milk (essentially shaking it) to create a uniform consistency. It’s a standard dairy processing procedure in the US and is regulated by the USDA. This process does not affect the nutritional qualities of the milk.
Do grazing cows restore the land?Grazing cows/animals are integral to regenerative agriculture. Our farms meet all the principles of regenerative agriculture but grazing cows are key. Animals contribute natural fertilizers as well as stimulate plant growth and productivity. They play a critical role in nutrient cycling and carbon cycle, which prevents the need of synthetic inputs which end up polluting rivers and streams.
Is the grass on your farms 100% organic?Yes. The land our cows graze must be free of synthetic pesticide/herbicide and GMOs for three full years before it can be certified USDA organic. Farmers must re-certify USDA Organic compliance each year, with an on site inspector who inspects the land, animals and facilities.
What is Regenerative Agriculture?The core tenet of regenerative agriculture is farming in sync with nature, not against it. We do this by first focusing on practices and techniques that improve the soil health on our farms. Soil health is the foundation on which everything else stands. The end result is improved biological life in the soil, higher fertility, functioning water and mineral cycles, improved crop and animal health, and finally nutritious 100% grass-fed organic milk.
Who are Maple Hill farmers and where do they operate?All of the farms in the Maple Hill Milkshed are small, family-owned-and-run operations. We started out in New York and that is still where the vast majority of our farms are located. In 2023 we started to work with farms in Pennsylvania and are actively working on growing there as well as New York. As of 2023, our farms number just over 115 but that number continues grow.
Is 100% grass-fed dairy farming better for the environment?100% grass-fed organic dairy is the most environmentally friendly farming. Animals walking and feeding on grazing land create a positive environmental impact (on soils, manure management, water conservation and animal welfare). To be a successful Maple Hill grass-fed organic dairy farm, you need to be as dedicated to taking care of the land as you are to taking care of the cows. The best grass-fed organic milk requires a special relationship between the land and the animals with each taking care of the other.
What is holistic grazing or managed grazing?The herd is placed where we want them, when we want them there, and with the behavior/effect we want them to have. The cattle are moved intentionally through the pasture system so that only a portion of the pasture is grazed at any given time, and the remaining areas are excluded so that forage populations can recover and re-grow to provide the desired composition. Good grazing management positively effects the composition of pastures, soil health, water holding capacity and many other areas.
What farm(s) does your milk come from?Our 100% grass-fed organic milk comes from our network of independent small family farms, with an average herd size of 50 cows. Our milk is special because of the natural healthy diet of the cows, but also because of the added ingredients of love and dedication from the families raising the cows and running the farms! We like to think this makes both our cows and consumers happier.
How are cows on your farms treated?Cows who live on 100% grass-fed organic dairy farms have very different lives than cows on large, industrial dairies. In general, living conditions on our small family farms are more comfortable (pasture, sun, and grazing vs. being confined in a feeding barn). Most of the cows have names and the farmers know all of their animals. Our cows are fed the diet they are designed by nature to eat (grass!), as they are ruminant animals. They are less susceptible to the maladies common in cows fed a grain or corn based diet, which is reflected in their good health and longevity. It is very common for our cows to live 8-10 years compared to 3 or 4 for conventional dairy cows. Unlike some other “100% grass-fed” dairy brands, our calves are never fed supplemental grain, soy, or corn, but enjoy a milk diet until they start to graze for themselves.
What do Maple Hill calves eat?Calves nurse from their mothers, a nurse cow, or receive real, 100% grass-fed milk by bottle. We never use milk replacer. Older calves may begin to graze while still on milk as well.
What do 100% grass-fed cows eat in the winter?During the winter, when pastures are dormant, our 100% grass-fed cows eat hay (dried grass) and baleage, (fermented, high-moisture grass). This feed is usually cut and stored by the farmer, coming from the same land the cows graze in season. Sometimes it can also be purchased from other certified farms. Our farms do not supplement our cows OR calves with grain, corn, soy, or other foods in the wintertime or during grazing season.
Are cows supposed to eat only grass?Cows originally ate only grass. When herds started to grow, grain was introduced to improve performance and accelerate growth. “When cattle are fed grain, productivity is increased, but fiber-deficient rations can disrupt physiological mechanisms,” said James B. Russell of the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture in Ithaca, New York. More research shows that metabolism is enhanced in grass fed diets, which work as an anti-inflammatory, preventing disease and discomfort: “The anti-inflammatory n3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are enriched in grass finished beef (*cattle in general), while higher levels of n6 PUFAs in grain finished animals may promote inflammation and oxidative stress. […] Most importantly, blood cortisol levels strongly indicate that grass-fed animals may experience less stress than the grain-fed individuals.”
What is the housing for cows on Maple Hill farms like?Maple Hill cows have access to a barn where they go to get milked or for shelter. They always have outdoor access, year round. During the grazing season, they are out on pasture all day long unless the weather is bad.
What breeds / kinds of cows live on your farms?Our farms raise breeds of cows that traditionally thrive on a pasture-based diet, including Jersey cows, Jersey crosses, Devon crosses, Dutch Belts, and even some smaller Holsteins.
What are the main differences between conventional milk and 100% grass-fed organic milk? Why does it matter what the cows eat?When dairy farmers choose to raise cows with managed grazing techniques, and when cows are fed the diet they evolved to eat, the end result is healthier animals, healthier farms, and healthier dairy products. Cows by definition are ruminants. They have a four-chambered stomach called the rumen, which is designed to digest grasses and other plants. When grain and corn are fed to cows, it immediately changes the pH of the rumen, making it more acidic. This can result in higher risk for infections, systematic inflammation, bloat, decreased immunity, and other health issues. Grain-fed cows on large, conventional dairies are sometimes given routine preventative antibiotics for these reasons. 100% grass-fed dairy farming requires less fossil fuels, because feed is not continuously grown, processed, and shipped to the farm. The cows’ food is already present on the farm, growing, and being eaten by the cows in a rotation that keeps the pastures fertile, healthy and lush. Growing corn and grain specifically for cattle feed uses huge amounts of resources, and sometimes chemical fertilizers and pesticides. On a 100% grass-fed operation manure is spread over the pastures by roaming cows, replacing nutrients lost by the growing plants, rather than forming in feedlot pools and causing detrimental runoff. 100% grass-fed dairy farming works best with small herds, which supports both local economies and family farms, who in turn are able to claim the highest premium price for their milk. Milk from grass-fed cows has a more favorable fatty acid profile than milk from conventionally-fed cows—it is higher in omega-3 fatty acids and lower in omega-6 fatty acids. Grass-fed cow’s milk has higher concentrations of the omega-3 fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), ecosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA). In addition, grass-fed cow’s milk is higher in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). It also has about three times the amount of beta-carotene. As one might expect better nutrition for the cow leads to better nutrition in the milk they produce. Feeding grass also leads to subtle changes in the taste of the milk they produce. 100% grass-fed organically produced dairy is a viable solution to the industrial dairy system, focusing on holistic care of both the animals and land, rather than an end goal of highest production and maximizing the bottom line at the cost of animal welfare and environmental concerns. It is worth noting that lots of dairies claim to be pasture raised, which means the cows spend some time on pasture but it is unclear how much and their diets may still include grain. The OPT certification on Maple Hill products ensures a 100% grassfed organic diet and full dedication to the principles and standards of regenerative dairy farming
How long do Maple Hill cows live?Our dairy cows live their whole life on our family farms. It is very common for our cows to live 8-10 years, sometimes to the age of 16 or 17, compared to 3 or 4 for conventional dairy cows.
Who are Maple Hill farmers and where do they operate?All of the farms in the Maple Hill Milkshed are small, family-owned-and-run operations, and all are located in New York & Pennsylvania State.
Where is Maple Hill Creamery located?Maple Hill's farm network is located in New York and Pennsylvania. The company is remote work employer with employees located throughout the country. HQ is registered in Kinderhook, NY
How can I get Maple Hill in my store?Please check the store locator to find grocers near you that carry our products. However, if your favorite store doesn't carry Maple Hill, please ask them to! We want our consumers to be able to find our products at all their favorite places to shop.
When and why was Maple Hill founded?The short story: we’re organic grass-fed dairy farmers, turned yogurt makers. The longer story spans twelve years of hard work and constant challenges. Many told us we were crazy to try and make milk with “just” grass, but we knew that what we were doing with our cows was the right thing. We made yogurt with our milk for our kids—and it turned out pretty good, so we began selling it in 2009, and founded Maple Hill Creamery. Running a certified 100% grass-fed dairy production company means that we're not solely focused on the bottom line—or having the most shelf space in the yogurt aisle. To us, business “success” is also defined by a company’s values and production practices. We believe that when we use milk from only certified organic, 100% grass-fed cows to make our products, we are supporting and growing a food system that is most beneficial to the land, the animals, and the farmers—and that it makes for the most delicious products around! You can read more about our story here.
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