Brown butter, also known as beurre noisette, originated in France and is paired with both sweet and savory dishes. The process cooks down butter until the milk solids separate and become toasted— visually these are the brown specks that settle to the bottom once browned. The result emits a nutty, deep flavor that enhances the complexity of so many recipes.
Brown Butter Can Burn
Butter can burn very quickly so it’s important to keep a close eye and do not walk away or stop stirring throughout this process! Once the butter is browned, it only takes a few seconds for it to turn to burnt butter which will leave a very bitter and unpleasant taste. Once the butter has browned, it’s important to transfer to a heat safe bowl, as it will burn if it is left in a hot pan.
How to Make Brown Butter:
In a small saucepan, melt your butter over medium heat. Stir/ whisk constantly as it melts to ensure even cooking. A whisk, wooden spoon, or rubber spatula will work here. This takes about 6-8 minutes.
As the butter begins to melt, it will start to foam then transition from a yellow color to a golden hue and then lastly a beautiful golden brown. Once it reaches this point, it will emit a nutty aroma and that is when you will know it is done.
Transfer to a heat safe bowl (be sure to scrape out all of the brown bits)! Allow to cool before using in your recipe.
Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4.

Step 5.

Step 6.

Step 7.