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Keep The USDA Organic Label Humane

For the past decade, organic farmers, consumers, brands, and retailers have been fighting for stronger regulation around animal welfare under the USDA organic label.

At Maple Hill, we believe that the Certified Organic label should give consumers confidence that animals are raised with adequate space and access to outdoors. On our 100% grass-fed organic farms, animal comfort and well-being are our top priority. We go above and beyond the proposed USDA organic regulations for dairy cows, and we believe that standards should be stricter. In late December of 2017, the USDA moved to scrap proposed regulations on animal welfare as it applies to organic livestock and poultry. Changing these regulations would allow large-scale farms to operate much like conventional farms in terms of how animals live, how much space they get, and their access to the outdoors.

Please tell the USDA that you SUPPORT the Organic Animal Welfare Rule and are against the move to scrap them. Go to the link and copy and paste the below, or add your own comment:

“I support the Organic Animal Welfare Rule and demand that the USDA organic label represent human standards of living for poultry and livestock. Regulations need to be more strict so that consumers are confident in the USDA organic label. Do NOT withdraw OLPP.”

Keep the organic label HUMANE!

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